Tech Giants Consolidate Their Presence in Saudi Arabia


The Saudi government has issued operating licenses to companies such as Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Airbus, Pfizer, and others to establish their business operations in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, particularly in Riyadh.

Amazon stated, "We are delighted with the approval from the Saudi government. The geographical advantage and market potential of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia provide Amazon with significant opportunities in the vast MENA region."

Google mentioned, "We are pleased with the issuance of the license by Saudi Arabia. The strength of Saudi Arabia in the tech market is undeniable, and we are committed to contributing to the country's growth."

Microsoft expressed excitement, saying, "We are very excited about establishing our MENA headquarters in Riyadh. Saudi Arabia is a dynamic and diverse economy with forward-thinking leadership, making it an ideal partner for Microsoft in our vision for technological progress."
